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Voters should pick their representatives, but because of the partisan redistricting system in Texas, politicians are picking their voters.


Career politicians have been drawing and approving gerrymandered legislative maps for decades, allowing them to close ranks and entrench their power. This unfair approach to legislative maps reduces competition, prevents Texans from being able to cast a meaningful vote and discourages new people from running for office.


Competitive elections are critical to holding politicians accountable and ensuring that citizens are truly in control of their government – not the special interests and political bosses. Voters deserve to have a voice in how their district maps are drawn.


Fair Maps Texas is a nonpartisan reform effort aimed at fixing the broken redistricting system in Texas. 


Ultimately, we want to get reform passed in the state legislature. En route to accomplishing that, we plan to pass a number of reforms and resolutions at the local level – all over Texas.


This reform effort includes a broad range of nonpartisan coalition partners and collectively, we aim to raise public awareness, build support for reform, host events, initiate grassroots activism and provide policy expertise.

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