Common Ground for Texans, a FMT partner, will be hosting a community forum on the census in Austin on September 15. For more information, please check out their website:
"Advocating positive solutions through civil engagement"
Common Ground for Texans has joined with a number of nonpartisan organizations to host a Texas Counts: Census 2020 Workshop for local organizations and individuals so they become keenly aware of the necessity for an accurate resident count in 2020.
We will hear from Mayor Steve Adler, Ryan Robinson (Austin demographer), Rebecca Briscoe (US Census Bureau specialist) and several policy folks. Mark your calendars now!
What: Central Texas Census 2020 Workshop
Where: Agard-Lovinggood Administration Bldg, Huston-Tillotson University, 900 Chicon St.
When: Saturday, September 15, 9:00 AM - noon
Every ten years, the United States conducts a decennial census with the goal of determining the distribution of resources and political representation by counting every person in the country where they live regardless of age or citizenship status. Gathering a complete and accurate count for the 2020 Census has wide-ranging long-term impacts throughout Texas. Census-derived data is the basis for equal political representation under the United States Constitution, which directly controls the number of Texas representatives in the US Congress. Policymakers use census data to identify community needs and to distribute federal program dollars to states and localities based on population numbers or other community characteristics that the census and related American Community Survey measure. In Texas, for example, the distribution of $39.5 billion in federal funding for programs, the state’s second largest revenue source, relies on data derived from the decennial census.
Traditionally, every household receives a census form by mail and is asked to provide information about all members of that household, but in 2020 there will be heavy reliance on electronic submission of census questionnaires.
There are many challenges in conducting an accurate census. The nonpartisan, nonprofit organizations below have come together to host a Census 2020 workshop for Central Texas organization leaders and the general public in preparation for the 2020 Census.
We hope to see you there! Please invite your friends.
Center for Public Policy Priorities
Common Cause Texas
Common Ground for Texans
Measure Austin
Texas Appleseed
Texas Civil Rights Project
Voces Tejas
For more info, contact Joanne Richards or Maria Milner.