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Contact your


Find Your Legislator

1. Find Your Legislator

Find your legislator's contact info using Common Cause's Find Your Representative Tool.

Decide on a way to contact them: by phone, mail, email, or a visit to their office.  See our tips for talking with elected officials below.


You can also work with your group to engage candidates and/or elected representatives on Facebook and Twitter.  To join others like you online, use #FairMapsTexas when posting on Twitter and Facebook.  

Here are some questions and talking points prepared by our members.  

2. Review Our Talking Points

Talking Points

3. Tips for Getting Your Message Across

Effective Messaging: 

  1. Lead with values.

  2. Explain why it matters.

  3. Highlight the goal we are trying to achieve

Before going to the office:

Learn your audience -- assess if your legislator is an ally, potential supporter, generally opposed, or strongly opposed to redistricting reform (see below).

  • When you walk into a legislator’s office, ask to speak to the staff member who works on redistricting reform.

  • Introduce yourself as a member of Fair Maps Texas. Be sure to give them your contact info: name, address and/or just your zip code.

  • Share values and information on why redistricting reform is important.

  • Emphasize support from the community for redistricting reform.  

  • Ask questions prepared by the LWV (above) in order to find opportunities to work on common ground.

  • Share a story about how redistricting has negatively affected you. 

  • Thank them for their time and leave the groups’ contact info with them in case they have any follow up questions.

  • After your appointment, sign the guestbook. 


Messaging Tips

4. Identify Your Audience


Know Your Audience


Spoken against reform or

possibly afraid to vote

against the party position

  • Provide information about the negative outcomes of uncompetitive districts and the impacts of this on the business community 

  • Speak of common values: fairness, democracy, freedom

  •  Ask them to keep an open door for future conversations

  • Thank them for taking the time to speak with you


Actively impeding

progress for redistricting

reform bills

  • Provide information about the negative outcomes of uncompetitive districts and the impacts of this on the business community 

  •  Remind them that redistricting reform is considered good  government legislation that is designed to insulate parties from a swing in the electorate

  • Thank them for taking the time to speak with you


Consistent support of

redistricting reform

  • Thank them for their continued support

  • Ask them what we can do to support their work on redistricting reform

  • Thank them for taking the time to speak with you

  • If the member is present, ask them to take a group picture to share on social media #FAIRMAPSTEXAS


Occasional support for

redistricting reform or

hasn’t actively spoken

against it

  • Provide information about the impact of uncompetitive districts on our electorate and the business community

  •  Ask them what issues related to redistricting reform they are interested in, and what they would like to receive more information about

  • Ask them to keep an open door for future conversations

  • Thank them for taking the time to speak with you

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